About Medical Horizon
Improving The Quality Of Your
Life Through Better Health
The pharmaceutical company Medical Horizon was founded in 2006, but its first product – Cetamol suppositories for children – was launched on the market in January 2008.

Three years of preparation were not in vain: the plant was built in accordance with the Good Manufacturing Practice of the European Union. The production technologies of the plant were brought into full compliance with European standards. Medical Horizon is the first and only company in Armenia that produces suppositories.
The company also produces medicinal products in the form of syrups and suspensions. In accordance with its motto, Medical Horizon provides a wide horizon for your health. The company strives to achieve the highest quality in the production process in all aspects and details, starting from the import of raw materials to the quality control of the final product. Thus, the plant receives its medicinal raw materials and excipients from European countries: the excipient Novata from the French company COGNIS, and suspensions from Germany – from the company Schültz & Co. It also cooperates with BASF and Danipharm A/S. The company’s medicines are manufactured in accordance with European standards.
The company carries out strict quality control at all stages of production in its own chemical and microbiological laboratories. Quality testing is carried out according to the standards of the American, British and European pharmacopoeias. Thus, Medical Horizon applies all the technologies and procedures necessary to ensure greater efficiency of the manufactured medicines and plans to significantly increase its range.
Currently, the plant produces 17 types of products, which are presented in 32 different dosage forms and doses. Due to its efficient operations, Medical Horizon actively exports its products to Uzbekistan, Georgia, and Iran.
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Bormioli Pharma